Your Local Business invited you to join their Loyalty Program! Congrats!

You decided to support the Local Economy by purchasing at your Local Store. They are very happy about it and would like you to join their free loyalty membership so
you can earn more from your orders. Download the app to join their program, it’s a win-win!

Thank you for registering.
Oops! Something went wrong.
2 mobile phone mock-ups illustrating the 2 options for the digital loyalty cards, stamp-based one and point-based one.

200 000+ users already
trust Yollty

"Now i can collect all my loyalty points at one place! What a convenient way to always gain something with every transaction!"

Maria, a Yollty user on Android since 2017
5 stars

according to our users for the app

How does it work for me as
a customer of a local business?

Step 1
Download the User App

From the links on this page or directly from your App Store or Play Store, Simply download the Yollty app (and not the Yollty Business app).

Step 2
Add the local businesses you are interested in

You arrived on this page thanks to the recommandation of a local business. Once you have downloaded and opened the app, you can click on the purple scanner button in the middle and scan again the QR code.
You will see that the membership will be added and your points / stamps are added.

Step 3

Now that you are a member of this program, you can start taking advantage of their Loyalty Program and find new local businesses in your area that you could be interested in.

Step 4
Share! (If you want)

You want to get more points / stamps? You'll have the opportunity to have more by leaving a review or inviting some friends.
Go on the Membership of your local business and click on the referral or review program.

Frequently Asked Questions

The User App FAQs

We gathered the most frequent asked questions about the user app. You have more questions, please check here.

What is the difference with the Yollty Business App?

Does Yollty works with every phone brand?

Is the app free?

Can I scan my current loyalty cards?

Still have some questions? Please check here.

Ready to download the user app?