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7 original ways to collect feedback

Collecting feedbacks can be hard, we gathered the TOP7 original ways to do it

Especially in today's fast-paced business environment, understanding how your products and services are perceived by your clients can be the difference between thriving and stagnating. However, like most businesses, you might find that your clients are often too tired, stressed, or busy to provide feedback. Before we share some creative strategies our customers have used to better understand their clients’ needs, let's first explore what customer feedback is and why it is essential to collect it.

What is client feedback and why it is important

There is no way to stress this enough: customer feedback is essential for any business that aims to grow and thrive. It provides invaluable insights into customer satisfaction and areas where improvements are needed. As business owners can’t be everywhere all the time, customer feedback is some sort of first line of defence, that helps them be proactive in case issues arise. Also, by understanding the experiences and opinions of their clients, businesses can tailor their services to better meet customer expectations, enhance their offerings, and foster stronger relationships. In a competitive market, as to set your business apart.

Now that we have established how important it is, let’s also see fun and creative ways, that will help you collect and process this invaluable data:

  1. The feedback tree
  2. Free wifi with a twist
  3. The mystery diner
  4. The Dartboard game
  5. Combine Loyalty and Feedback
  6. Interactive Forms
  7. Polls on Social Media

1. BlossomingFeedback : The Customer Tree

Imagine if your customers could write few words about how much they liked their experience in your restaurant and hang it on a tree? This is the Feedback Tree where the traditional boring feedback box is replaced by a gorgeous tree inside your business! And remember—no matter if you clients are teenagers or in the prime of their life, everyone appreciates to be surrounded by a lively environment.

2. Wi-Fi Wisdom : Feedback through connectivity

How could the long and painful process of gathering feedback from your customers be eased? One answer is finding ways to match your clients’ personal interests with yours by capitalizing on your available resources. What about relying on your free Wi-Fi to collect feedback? When your users log in to your Wi-Fi network they will be asked to provide their feedback to proceed. A start-up called “Social Wi-Fi” developed this idea and offers you to easily gather feedback from your Wi-Fi network.

3. Secret Savour : The Mystery Diner Experience

If you already have an active online community or you would like to increase your followers while getting valuable feedback, this third method might be for you! The Mystery shopper concept leverages a social media contest to select a group of clients who will visit and judge your restaurant anonymously. Like a ‘Michelin’ food critic, this group of individuals will rate and review your restaurant based on tailored criteria (which you have set beforehand) such as the quality of the food or the atmosphere. Rather than publishing their review online, these mystery diners will directly provide you feedback based on their experience in your restaurant. This technique is effective to improve your visibility using the contest on social media and more importantly to harvest detailed feedback in a very original manner.

4. Aim for insight : The Feedback Dartboard

Sometimes we all need a break from the seriousness of life! This method is especially designed for your still young-at-heart clients! The Darts Game technique consists of gathering feedback from your customers directly on a “dartboard” customised with the criteria you would like to be judge on. Not only the dartboard game helps you improve your services and interact playfully with your customers, it is also a trendy wall decoration!

5. Loyalty Boost : Rewarding Feedback

Another way to collect feedback is to link it to your loyalty program and then incentivise your customers to provide you private feedback for some extra points. Yollty provides an innovative solution that goes beyond the traditional paper stamp cards and has the feedback feature included, out of the box. The added benefit of this solution is that you don’t have to manually analyse the feedback, everything is accessible in an intuitive online dashboard


6. Dynamic Dialogues : Engaging Feedback forms

Online forms are a classic method for collecting feedback, but using modern, interactive forms can make the process more engaging and user-friendly. Tools like Tally or Typeform allow you to create visually appealing, easy-to-navigate forms that encourage your customers to share their thoughts. These tools offer various customisation options, ensuring that the forms match your brand's look and feel. Plus, they provide you with detailed analytics to help you understand the feedback better. Besides sharing these forms on your social, you can also use your loyalty program to do some of the heavy lifting. Loyalty platforms like Yollty, offer also the means to reengage your users with messages and push notifications as to make sure that all your customers will get a chance to fill your form ( and why not get a bit rewarded for doing so 😉 )

7. Social Pulse : Polling for Feedback

Social media platforms are a great place to engage with your audience and gather quick feedback. Running polls on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter can be an effective way to collect opinions and preferences. These polls are easy for users to participate in and can provide you with immediate insights.Plus, the interactive nature of social media helps keep your audience engaged while making the feedback collection process fun and informal

Empowering Your Business with Customer Insights

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve. – Bill Gates

Implementing a dynamic feedback system is a crucial step towards enhancing customer satisfaction and driving business growth. By adopting one or more of these creative methods, you can transform the way you gather insights, making the process enjoyable for your customers and informative for your team. Each of these strategies not only provides valuable data but also strengthens the relationship between your business and its patrons by showing that you value their opinions.

Embrace the challenge of collecting feedback as an opportunity to innovate and connect with your customers on a deeper level. Whether it's through the engaging Feedback Tree, the modern convenience of interactive forms, or the immediacy of social media polls, there's a method that will suit yourbusiness’s unique needs.

Join the Conversation

As you embark on this journey to gather better feedback, remember that the key is to keep the lines of communication open and active. Do you have any creative ideas or tips on how to collect feedback from your customers? Share your thoughts with us and join the conversation. Your insights could help others enhance their feedback strategies as well.

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