
LëtzeBurger forge meaningful giving relationships thanks to Yollty

Created by 7 young guys, LëtzeBurger offers high quality burgers made 100% with local products to showcase a delicious Burger made in Luxembourg!

How did you come about a loyalty program ?

The idea of a loyalty program and especially Yollty, came to us by a client. They were already a user of Yollty, and a big fan of the idea of a loyalty program at their favourite burger place. So we thought it would be a good idea to start rewarding all our favourite and most loyal customers as a way to show them how much we thank them for their loyalty.

Many businesses choose a paper loyalty card. Why have you chosen a digital version?

We chose a digital version for this simple reason, our clients like and always have their smart phone on them. Having a digital loyalty card, is a way for those who always forget their paper cards to have their cards on them. We are all guilty of forgetting our paper cards and missing out on gifts due to that, so with a digital version there are no more excuses, and our customers can always continue collecting points and building their collection. However, we did not completely close the door on paper cards, we continue to offer them, for customers who rather use them. We really want to give our clients the choice on which loyalty card they wish to use 😊

Why is it important for you to reward your most loyal customers ?

We feel that between a company and customers there must be a giving relationship. They have been supporting us throughout the years and especially while being hit by Covid-19. They kept coming back and buying our burgers, so we felt that we needed to tell them a big thank you for their loyalty and have them come back by giving them gifts to show them how much we love them.

While looking for solutions, what were the most important factors for you ?

When looking for the ideal solution, we were looking for two important factors. We were looking for something that was not very complicated for us and especially for our customers. The second factor that we were looking for was the price. We were looking for something that was not very expensive and that could offer us all the features that we needed.

You chose Yollty. What attracted you to use our solution?

We decided o go with Yollty for its efficiency. The whole process for us as a business was very easy to start and get up and running, especially for our customers. Yollty is so easy to use and especially so fast to get working.

Can you tell us more on your loyalty program? What do you offer to your customers and why?

At LëtzeBurger, the 13th Burger is free. We thought about what the best way to say thank you to our loyal customers and established that our burgers are the best way to do it.😉 Since then we kept it like that, and our customers are very happy with it 😊

Would you recommend Yollty to other businesses you might know?  (0 not at all and 10 most definitely)

We would give Yollty the grade of 7. We are very happy with our digital solution and think that other businesses will also be when taking the leap with Yollty.